2020 Weekly Exercise challenge
December 16 - December17 : Spell Holiday Break Challenge
You guys are amazing and doing a great job for so long! We started back in April (wow) and you guys ROCK!
Just 2 days of BIG workout before the break starts!
December 16: HOLIDAY (7): 10 Lunges, 1 min Plank, 1 min Wall-Sit, 10 Jump Squats, 10 Push-ups, 20 Jumping Jacks, 20 Crunches
December 17: BREAK (5): 10 Lunges, 10 Push-ups, 1 min Wall-sit, 20 Jumping Jacks, 20 Crunches
If you want to do other letters, feel free to come up with what works best for you!
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
December 8 - December 14: 7 days 10 Burpee Challenge
To mix up a bit, this week, we are going to bring up our heart rate just a bit and burpees our way for 7 days! There are a number of variations available and make sure to listen to your body and do one that fits your athletic level.
If 10 is too easy, increase the number or take a 1 minute break between and do multiple of 10.
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
December 1 - December 7: 7 days 3 minutes Wall Sit
Request for Wall Sit is in, so this time, 3 minutes (180 seconds) wall sit for 7 days! I hope you can do this in one session, but if no, that's ok. The goal is to do 3 minutes wall sit in one session for 7 days . There are different variations to wall sit for different fitness level. https://www.verywellfit.com/the-wall-sit-quad-exercise-3120741
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
November 22 - November 28: 7 days 50 Squats challenge
For the week starting this Sunday (11/22), we are challenging you to do 50 squats a day for 7 days. You can break it up to multiple sessions if you like. There are a number of variations of squats available and please do choose one that fits your athletic level. https://www.healthline.com/health/squat-variations
After this, we will take few days break and start back up on Dec 1!
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
November 15 - November 21: 7 days Plank challenge
Since we just worked on arm and we are going to work on legs on Thanksgiving week, it is time for the core! This challenge is very similar to Push-up challenge is that goal of this challenge to do a bit more than a day before. Pick a duration that is at least 60 seconds in one setting to start.
Day 1: 60 seconds, Day 2: 65 seconds, Day 3: 70 seconds, Day 4: 75 seconds, Day 5: 80 seconds, Day 6: 85 seconds, Day 7: 90 seconds!
A bit difference is that you will need to do this in one sitting so pick a time and do as much as you can! There are different variations to planks and you are welcome to mix them up. https://greatist.com/move/plank-variations-for-core-strength
If Plank is not your thing and want to still work on your core, pick the one you want to do such as Boat Pose.
Let's say you are doing 80 seconds session. You could break them into:
20 seconds forearm plank, 20 seconds right side plank, 20 seconds left side plank, and back to 20 seconds forearm plank.
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
November 8 - November 14: 7 days Push Ups challenge
In honour of Veterans Day (Nov 11), this week, we shall PUSH UPs!
The goal of this challenge is to do at least 1 more push-up from the day before. Pick a starting number that is at least 10 push-ups.
Day 1: 12 push-ups, Day 2: 14 push-ups, Day 3: 16 push-ups, Day 4: 18 push-ups, Day 5: 20 push-ups, Day 6: 22 push-ups, Day 7: 24 push-ups.
You do not need to do this in one sitting and can be done throughout the day. There is a number of variation of push-ups so check this article out. https://greatist.com/fitness/bodyweight-push-up-variations
If for some reason, you cannot do one more, it's OK. Just do whatever you can and try to get back on track.
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
November 1 - November 7: 7 days Wall Sit challenge
You guys ROCKED on October 30 challenges! Since holidays are approaching, remember to do a different exercise every day might be somewhat challenging. On that note, we are bringing back weekly challenges. Each week, we have the same exercise, so it is easier to remember what's next. On Thanks Giving week, we will be doing squats, which is the least space needed or you can do that anywhere, so no excuses!!!
This week, we are going to kick off the November with wall sit. The ultimate goal is to to do 7 days straight. If you can do at least one more second than the day before, that is great and but if you cannot, it is Ok. Pick a duration that is at least 30 seconds in one setting to start.
Day 1: 30 seconds, Day 2: 35 seconds, Day 3: 40 seconds, Day 4: 45 seconds, Day 5: 50 seconds, Day 6: 55 seconds, Day 7: 60 seconds!
Never done wall sit exercise? It is very simple. Find the area of the wall that you can lean on. Gradually, bend your knee and go lower while having you back against the wall. The goal is to make your hip and knees to be about 90 degrees. There is a modification available for beginners.
"To decrease the intensity of the wall sit, don't slide down the wall quite as far. Aim for a 45-degree angle at the hips rather than a 90-degree angle. This will take a bit of pressure off your knees and lighten the load on the quads"
Additional Challenges: Try to add 2-3 days of walk/run/jog/cycle or other cross training a week through out the month of November.
You can log your count in the Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
October 1 - October 30: October Creating a habit Challenge Week 3-6
This month, we are going to add a bit more each week and in the end, we are going to do 5 different challenges! This workout can be broken down in a number of sessions. The goal is to do a number that is giving for each day. On a 7th day is a rest day. Give yourself a break. So for us, Wednesdays will be our rest day.
On Thursdays, we are squatting! We are increasing by 10 every week and last week, we have 100 squats challenge!
On Fridays, we are going to do Push-ups! Last Fridays of the month, we are going to try 50 push-ups!
On Saturdays and Tuesdays, we have none strength workout in store. Simply, go for a walk, jog, or cycle. If you find something else you rather do, that's fine, too!
On Sunday, we are going to work on our abs! If you want to substitute to something else, that is perfectly fine, too.
See: https://stvc.simmons.edu/events/30dayschallenge/total-body
Remember, number giving is a goal. Do whatever you can. If you cannot do all, that's OK. If you want to substitute with other workouts, that is perfectly fine as well. If you need advice on what to substitute with, let Shino know!
September 24 - September 30: Creating a habit Challenge Week 2
This is week 2 of creating habits in preparation for October challenge.
For 6 days, 30 seconds plank and 20 crunches. On 7th day, go for a walk/run/bike for 5-10 minutes.
Check out what's coming in October. Remember, these are the goals and you can break them up in multiple sessions.
September 17- September 23: Creating a habit Challenge Week 1
We took a bit of break during the summer and I hope you all enjoy your time off.Â
We are getting back into the swing of things, we are going back in creating a habit of working out 6 days a week and taking 7th day off as a rest day. We are going to do these next 6 weeks. If you can, try to work out around the same time every day. It will create a habit and you will schedule your life with exercise in mind. All we need is a max of 10 minutes per day this period.
For 6 days, try 20 squats and 10 push-ups every day. 7th day, it is a rest day. Rest your arms and legs. You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
July 22 - July 28 : 7 days 100 Squats Challenge
It is HOT and sticky. For those you who do not have AC everywhere in the apartment, it is often hard to find the spot that is cool. Stand in front of your fan and let's SQUATS!!!
We are going to squat 100 per day for 7 days! There are several variations of squats available and please do choose one that fits your athletic level. https://www.healthline.com/health/squat-variations
A lot of us have done this and knows we can do this and welcome newcomer to this challenge as well! If you cannot do 100, no problem. Try a smaller number to start with and work yourself up to 100. You do not have to do it in one session. You can break it up throughout the day.
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
July 15 - July 21 : 7 days 20 Push-Ups Challenge
The goal of this challenge is to do 20 Push-ups every day for 7 days. If you are hard time doing 20, it's Ok. You can start with less than 20 to start with and make it as a goal to do 20 total. If you want to do more than 20, go for it!
You do not need to do this in one sitting and can be done throughout the day. There is a number of variation of push-ups so check this article out. https://greatist.com/fitness/bodyweight-push-up-variations
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
July 8 - July 14 : 7 days 20 Lunges Challenge
Lunges are great workout to effectively works your glutes and quadriceps while engaging your hamstring. It also improve your core strength and improve hip flexibility. There are number of ways you can do lunges. You pick whatever you like that fit your athletic level. Goal is 20 lunges per leg for 7 day!
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
July 1 - July 7 : 7 days 60 seconds Mount Climber Challenge
To mix up a bit, this week, we are going to bring up our heart rate just a bit and mount climb our way for 7 days! It is a bit tough workout and if 60 seconds are too much, cut the time and work the way up to 60 seconds.
If 60 seconds is too easy, challenge yourself by increase by 15 seconds!
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
June 17 - June 30 : Try rest of June 30 days challenge!
Rest of the month, we are finishing up our June 30 day challenge! You haven't started? That's no problem. Pick a starting point and start from there for 14 days.
June 17 is on day 17, but if you want to you can start earlier days or later days. It is up to you.
If you feel you need to take things easy, start from day 1.
If you feel things are too easy, you want to start from a later date than day 17, feel free to do so.
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
June 10 - June 16 : 7 days Alphabet Challenge
Time for Alphabet challenge! Minimum of 3 letters per day up to 5 letters per day. Pick the workout that brings you joy or you can spell your name.
Example: S I M M O N S U N I V E R S I T Y
Day 1: SIMMO (5) - 2 min Plank, 10 Jump Squats, 40 Jumping Jacks
Day 2: MON (3) - 20 Jumping Jacks, 1 min Plank, 1 min Wall-sit
Day 3: ONSUN (5) - 2 min Plank, 2 min Wall-sit, 20 Jumping Jacks
Day 4: UNI (3) - 20 Jumping Jacks, 1 min Wall-sit, 10 Jump Squats
Day 5: NIVER (5) - 3min Wall-sit, 10 Jump Squats, 10 Push-ups
Day 7: RSITY (5) - 10 Push-ups, 1 min Plank, 10 Jump Squats, 20 Squats, 20 Crunches
You decide what letters to do when and have fun with it!
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
June 3 - June 9 : 7 days Wall Sit Challenge
You knew this was coming! Wall Sit challenge is back! This time, 3 minutes wall sit for 7 days! I hope you can do this in one session, but if no, that's ok. The goal is to do 3 minutes wall sit in one session for 7 days . There are different variations to wall sit for different fitness level. https://www.verywellfit.com/the-wall-sit-quad-exercise-3120741
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
May 27 - June 2: 7 days 90 seconds Plank Challenge
It is time to bring back that PLANK and this time is for 90 seconds for 7 days! I hope you can do this in one session, but if no, that's ok. The goal is to do 90 seconds plank in one session for 7 days . There are different variations to planks and you are welcome to mix them up. https://greatist.com/move/plank-variations-for-core-strength
Let's say you are doing 90 seconds session. You could break them into:
20 seconds forearm plank, 25 seconds right side plank, 25 seconds left side plank, and back to 20 seconds forearm plank.
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
6/2 - Congratulations for those who finished week nine 7 days 90 seconds Plank Challenge!
There were 3 people who participated in 7 days 90 seconds Plank Challenge and we all were able to complete this challenge! Congratulations Brian and Michael! 3 of us combined, we planked over 44 minutes worth! WOW.
Let's get this week ten Wall Sit challenge started!
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
Shino Ito
May 20 - May 26: 7 days 30 Push-up Challenge
The goal of this challenge is to do at least 1 more push-up from the day before. Pick a starting number that is at least 10 push-ups.
Day 1: 12 push-ups, Day 2: 14 push-ups, Day 3: 16 push-ups, Day 4: 18 push-ups, Day 5: 20 push-ups, Day 6: 22 push-ups, Day 7: 24 push-ups.
You do not need to do this in one sitting and can be done throughout the day. There is a number of variation of push-ups so check this article out. https://greatist.com/fitness/bodyweight-push-up-variations
If for some reason, you cannot do one more, it's OK. Just do whatever you can and try to get back on track.
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
5/26 - Congratulations for those who finished week eight 7 days 30 Push-up Challenge!
There were 4 people who participated in 7 days 30 Push-up challenge. In total, we push-up 612 times! You guys did a great job and it was not easy! Michael managed to do all 7 days of push-ups! Congratulations!
Let's get the Week nine Plank challenge started!Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader, Shino Ito
May 13 - May 19: 7 days 50 Squat Challenge
We are going to bring back the very first challenge we had, back to basics. We are going to squat 50 per day for 7 days! There are several variations of squats available and please do choose one that fits your athletic level. https://www.healthline.com/health/squat-variations
A lot of us done this and knows we can do this and welcome newcomer to this challenge as well! If you cannot do 50, no problem. Try a smaller number to start with and work yourself up to 50. You do not have to do it in one session. You can break it up throughout the day.
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
5/19 - Congratulations for those who finished week seven 7 days 50 Squat Challenge!
There were 3 people who participated in 7 days 50 Squat challenge. In total, we squatted 1034 times! WOW! You guys did a great job and it was not easy! Brian and Michael managed to do all 7 days of squats! Congratulations!
Let's get the Week eight Push-up started!Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader, Shino Ito
May 6 - May 12: 7 days 10 Burpee Challenge
To mix up a bit, this week, we are going to bring up our heart rate just a bit and burpees our way for 7 days! There are a number of variations available and make sure to listen to your body and do one that fits your athletic level.
If 10 is too easy, increase the number or take a 1 minute break between and do multiple of 10.
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
5/12 - Congratulations for those who finished week six 7 days Burpee Challenge!
There were 3 people who participated in 7 days Burpee challenge. In total, we burpeed 297 times! You guys did a great job and it was not easy! Brian managed to do all 7 days of Burpees! Congratulations!
Let's get the Week seven Alphabet Challenge started!
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
Shino Ito
April 29 - May 5: 7 days Alphabet Challenge
We are going to change things up a bit. This week, we are going to spell your name. If your full name is less than 7 letters, then start from the beginning.
Example using my name: Shino Ito
Day 1: S - 2 minute Plank, Day 2: H - 30 Lunges / per leg, Day 3: I - 10 Jump Squats (ouch), Day 4: N - 2 min Wall-sit, Day 5: O - 2 minute Plank, Day 6: I - 10 Jump Squats (ouch again), Day 7: T - 50 squats
These are just a guideline and do your best, but listen to your body. If you cannot do 2 min Plank, do as much as you can. This isn't to punish you. This is to help you MOVE! If you rather pick a phrase or do the same letter every day, feel free to do so.
If you feel one letter is too easy, feel free to challenge yourself with multiple letters.
Example using my name: Shino
Day 1: SHI, Day 2: HIN, Day 3: INO, and so on.
Have fun with it!
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
5/6 - Congratulations for those who finished week five 7 days Alphabet Challenge!
3 people participated in 7 days alphabet challenge. In total, we sat a total of spelt 52 letters combined! You guys did a great job and it was not easy! Special recognition goes to Dane, who completed the challenge full 7 days and multiple letters. Amazing!
In total, we 550 push-ups, 350 jumping jacks, 220 squats (including jumping), 270 lunges (135 per leg), 28 minutes of wall sit and 16 minutes of plank. Oh boy. I'm tired just thinking about it! Congratulations !!!
Let's get the Week Six Burpees Challenge started!
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
Shino Ito
April 22 - April 28: 7 days Wall Sit Challenge (Legs)
Good job doing all the challenges so far! This week, we are going to work on our legs again. The ultimate goal is to to do 7 days straight. If you can do at least one more second than the day before, that is great and but if you cannot, it is Ok. Pick a duration that is at least 30 seconds in one setting to start.
Day 1: 30 seconds, Day 2: 35 seconds, Day 3: 40 seconds, Day 4: 45 seconds, Day 5: 50 seconds, Day 6: 55 seconds, Day 7: 60 seconds!
Never done wall sit exercise? It is very simple. Find area of the wall that you can lean on. Gradually, bend your knee and go lower while having you back against the wall. The goal is to make your hip and knees to be about 90 degrees. There is a modification available for beginners.
"To decrease the intensity of the wall sit, don't slide down the wall quite as far. Aim for a 45-degree angle at the hips rather than a 90-degree angle. This will take a bit of pressure off your knees and lighten the load on the quads"
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
4/29 - Congratulations for those who finished week four 7 days Wall Sit Challenge!
There were 7 people who participated in 7 days Wall Sit challenge. In total, we sat total of 3,345 seconds combined! You guys did a great job and it was not easy!
Let's get the Week Five Alphabet Challenge started!
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
Shino Ito
April 15 - April 21: 7 days Plank Challenge (Core)
We have done legs, arms, now time for the core! This challenge is very similar to Push-up challenge is that goal of this challenge to do a bit more than a day before. Pick a duration that is at least 60 seconds in one setting to start.
Day 1: 60 seconds, Day 2: 65 seconds, Day 3: 70 seconds, Day 4: 75 seconds, Day 5: 80 seconds, Day 6: 85 seconds, Day 7: 90 seconds!
A bit difference is that you will need to do this in one sitting so pick a time and do as much as you can! There are different variations to planks and you are welcome to mix them up. https://greatist.com/move/plank-variations-for-core-strength
Let's say you are doing 80 seconds session. You could break them into:
20 seconds forearm plank, 20 seconds right side plank, 20 seconds left side plank, and back to 20 seconds forearm plank.
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
4/22 - Congratulations for those who finished week three 7 days Plank Challenge!
There were 8 people who participated in 7 days Plank challenge. In total, we planked total of 4,173 seconds combined!
Congratulations everyone who participated in this challenge. Dane, Michael and Saurav completed planking 7 days in a row! That's Amazing! Also would like to mentioned that Michael completed 7 days of Push-ups AND 50 squats as well! WOW and Great job!
Let's get the Week Four Wall Sit Challenge started!
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
Shino Ito
April 8 - April 14: 7 days Push-up Challenge (Arms)
The goal of this challenge is to do at least 1 more push-up from the day before. Pick a starting number that is at least 10 push-ups.
Day 1: 12 push-ups, Day 2: 14 push-ups, Day 3: 16 push-ups, Day 4: 18 push-ups, Day 5: 20 push-ups, Day 6: 22 push-ups, Day 7: 24 push-ups.
You do not need to do this in one sitting and can be done throughout the day. There is a number of variation of push-ups so check this article out. https://greatist.com/fitness/bodyweight-push-up-variations
If for some reason, you cannot do one more, it's OK. Just do whatever you can and try to get back on track.
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
4/15 - Congratulations for those who finished week two 7 days Push-up Challenge!
There were 13 people who participated in 7 days of Push-up challenge. In total, we raised ourselves 1,691 times!
Congratulations everyone who participated in this challenge. Michael and Jann managed to completed Push-ups 7 days in a row AND 50 squats! Amazing!
Let's get the Week Three Plank Challenge started!
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
Shino Ito
April 1 - April 7: 50 Squats Challenge per day for 7 days (Legs)
For the week starting April 1, we are challenging you to do 50 squats a day for 7 days. There are a number of variations of squats available and please do choose one that fits your athletic level. https://www.healthline.com/health/squat-variations
You can log your count in Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
4/8 - Congratulations for those who finished week one 50 Squats Challenge!
There were 12 people who participated in 50 squats for 7 days challenge. In total, we squatted 2,810 times! During the challenge, complaints such as "When does this get easier?" to "Quads are burning" were voiced. For one of our participant, it was his first time ever to do 50 squats.
Congratulations everyone who participated in this challenge. Brian, Michael, and Jann managed to complete squats 7 days in a row! Amazing!
Let's get Week Two Push-up Challenge started!
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
Shino Ito