2021 Weekly Exercise challenge
April 30 days challenge: Step and Stretch!
Spring is here!!!
This month, we are trying something new. This month, we are going to focus on steps and flexibility!
Set a goal steps for the month then move! Feel free to log your steps as accountability. There are ways to keep track of your steps (ie. smartphones) and if you want to know more about it, please feel free to contact me.
I also challenge you to do Youtube BREATH - A 30 Day Yoga Journey or another form of stretching every day this month.
If you have Simmons health insurance, make sure to join A Healthy Me Rewards with Virgin Pulse. This program was announced back in January 2020 . If you already signed up, keep at it! It is a program that you can earn up to $400 per year by being active. If you are not sure and want to know more about it, please feel free to contact me.
You can log your progress in the Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
March Madness: 10 minutes a day for the entire month of March!
We are changing things up a bit. This MONTH, our goal is to workout 10 minutes every day for a month. For each workout, except noted, you are going to do the activity every minute on the minute.
For example, when you start with push-ups, start your stopwatch then do 10 push-ups and stop. Once your stopwatch reads 60 seconds or 1 minute, do another 10 push-ups. Once your stopwatch reads 180 seconds or 2 minutes, do another 10 push-ups. If you hit the limit before 10 minutes is up, STOP. Do not continue. If you can keep going, then do until your stopwatch reads 10 minutes. If you do 10 minutes you ended up completing 100 push-ups.
NOTE: Feel free to substitute any workout mentioned. You know your body the best and do not attempt any workout when you feel pain or could cause pain (muscle is good pain :D). If you would like substitute options for any of the workout mentioned, please let me know.
3/1-3/6 - 10 Push-ups
3/7 - 10 minutes walk/jog/run/bike or other cardio workouts
3/8 - 3/13 - 10 (Jumping) Squats
3/14 - 10 minutes walk/jog/run/bike or other cardio workouts
3/15 - 3/20 - 10 Plank Shoulder Taps
3/21 - 10 minutes walk/jog/run/bike or other cardio workouts
3/22- 3/27 - 10 Crunches
3/28 - 10 minutes walk/jog/run/bike or other cardio workouts
3/29 - 3/31 - 10 Burpees
You can log your count in the Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
February 22 - February 28: Wall sit for 7 days!
Good job doing all the challenges so far! This week, we are going to work on our legs again. The ultimate goal is to to do 7 days straight. If you can do at least one more second than the day before, that is great and but if you cannot, it is Ok. Pick a duration that is at least 30 seconds in one setting to start.
Day 1: 30 seconds, Day 2: 35 seconds, Day 3: 40 seconds, Day 4: 45 seconds, Day 5: 50 seconds, Day 6: 55 seconds, Day 7: 60 seconds!
Never done a wall sit exercise? It is very simple. Find an area of the wall that you can lean on. Gradually, bend your knee and go lower while having you back against the wall. The goal is to make your hip and knees to be about 90 degrees. There is a modification available for beginners.
"To decrease the intensity of the wall sit, don't slide down the wall quite as far. Aim for a 45-degree angle at the hips rather than a 90-degree angle. This will take a bit of pressure off your knees and lighten the load on the quads"
You can log your count in the Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
February 11 - February 17: 30 Lunges per leg (total 60) for 7 days!
We are going back to our leg workout again.
This week, we shall lunge our way through the week! The goal is to do 30 lunges per leg, a total of 60 lunges!
There are various ways to do lunges and find the level of difficulties based on your athletic level.
You can log your count in the Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
February 3 - February 9: 60 seconds Get Your Heart Rate UP!
We are going to get our heart rate up this week!
You can choose how you get your heart rate up and the goal is your breath is a bit out of order. You can do something like Jumping Jacks, Jump ropes, boxing, running, biking! We are going to do this for 60 seconds.
You can log your count in the Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
January 26 - February 1: 60 seconds Plank Challenge for 7 days!
So far, we worked on our leg and arm. This week, we are going to focus on our core. Plank is known to be one of the best core exercises. It improves your posture, strengthens your back while working on the core.
If 60 seconds are not challenging enough, extend the time by 15 seconds. On Feb 1 is dedicated to holding plank as long as you can! This is going to be painful but throughout the week, we will have an idea of how long we can hold it. You can try various planks https://greatist.com/move/plank-variations-for-core-strength
You can log your count in the Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
January 19 - January 25: 25 Pushups Challenge for 7 days!
This week, we will work on our upper body. Pushups work the triceps, pectoral muscles and shoulders. With correct form, it can also strengthen back and core muscles, too.
We are doing the same thing 7 days in a row. If you cannot do 25, no problem. If you want to do more, please do! There are various ways of doing pushups so check them out and do what you can. https://greatist.com/fitness/bodyweight-push-up-variations
You can log your count in the Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
January 11 - January 17: 50 Squats Challenge for 7 days!
Happy New Year and welcome back!
We are starting with squats to get our moving again. We are doing the same thing 7 days in a row. If you cannot do 50, no problem. If you can do more, go for it! You can always try different variations of squats as well. https://www.healthline.com/health/squat-variations
Squats can work your buttocks, thighs, groin, hip, and calves. These muscles are used in walking, climbing stairs, bending, or carrying heavy objects. Allocating your exercise routine at the same time every day could help you stay on target.
You can log your count in the Spreadsheet for accountability if you like but it is completely up to you.
Your Weekly Exercise Challenge Cheerleader,
Archive: Exercise from 2020